
Hi! I am a professional educator, personal trainer and active yoga teacher. I also am a mentor for yoga teachers, offering advanced training in anatomy and guidance to developing private yoga instruction practices.

I also am a mom to an amazing and talented young woman, an animal lover, a nature enthusiast and a coffee drinker.

As an instructor, my focus is on understanding you at a human level. Do you need to understand the individual components of an exercise? Want an accountability partner? Do you need space for recovery? I listen, and then I lead. What sets me apart from other personal trainers is my intuitive nature and a genuine desire to understand you.

About Sage Movement

After founding and running Collab Fitness & Yoga, Michelle Spore evolved her practice and offerings into Sage Movement in 2023 to reflect a focus on wisdom and growth. Sage Movement takes a practical, grounded approach to helping individuals establish stability while also pushing boundaries to discover their potential.

Certifications & Training

Yoga Training

Education Provider and Registered Yoga Teacher 500, Yoga Alliance (E-RYT 500)

Yoga Medicine® 500HR Certified

Professional Training

National Academy of Sports Medicine, Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT)

Registered Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist


Arizona State University, Education

Registered Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist
